Five in total: COMPOUND EYE- honeybees have two compound eyes, each eye is made up of thousands of light sensative cells which help the bee understand colour,light and directional information from the suns ultra violet rays. SIMPLE EYE- honeybees have three simple eyes that are arranged in the shape of a triangle on the head. The simple eyes are called "ocelli" they mostly help the bee determine the amount of light present in the enviroment. Bees' eyes, like those of other insects, differ greatly from human eyes. They consist of a pair of compound eyes made up of numerous six-sided facets (28,000 in some dragonflies, 4,000 in house flies) plus three simple eyes.
Bumble bees don't produce honey like honey bees do. They create small wax pots for storing food and nectar, but they don't make enough honey to share with humans.
If your cat has watery eyes, it could be due to an underlying health issue or allergies. It's best to take your cat to the vet to determine the cause and appropriate treatment. Do not attempt to give your cat any medications without consulting a vet first.
No, ypu cant give your gunie pigs dish soap. Give them baby jonhson shampoo so it doesnt hurt their eyes.
easy make sure that the kitten drinks loads of water
No, it can harm them if it gets in their eyes, or if they swallow it, but a little would not hurt them, only give them a bad taste.
This question cannot be answered at this time. In order for this to be answered you will have to give me more detail.
I love honey with potato chips!
You can give honey to bees of any age.
According to the viral video, the honey badger doesn't give a sh*t.
Yesonly in a honey stick or on a spoon
Bees are one of our most important pollinators and the major pollinator of fruit flowers. They are also "friendly" pollinators. In exchange for the nectar they give us honey. As beautiful as most butterflies are, when we give them nectar, they give us caterpillars which eat the crop.
Every year they hold auditions on youtube so you have to keep your eyes out for it. the only other thing you have to do is send in a video like explainging who you are but the audition vid will give more detail
Honey is junk food because its something that is bad for you. Honey can give you diabetes.
The honey bee has five eyes. It has two compound eyes which give a greater field of vision than simple eyes. It also has three simple eyes, called ocelli, set in a triangle on the top of the head. The ocelli are are very simple, and do not form images. It is believed they help the bee orient itself in flight.
WikiAnswers cannot give that detail of information. He is from the town of Mullingar in the county of Westmeath in Ireland. That is as much as can be said.WikiAnswers cannot give that detail of information. He is from the town of Mullingar in the county of Westmeath in Ireland. That is as much as can be said.WikiAnswers cannot give that detail of information. He is from the town of Mullingar in the county of Westmeath in Ireland. That is as much as can be said.WikiAnswers cannot give that detail of information. He is from the town of Mullingar in the county of Westmeath in Ireland. That is as much as can be said.WikiAnswers cannot give that detail of information. He is from the town of Mullingar in the county of Westmeath in Ireland. That is as much as can be said.WikiAnswers cannot give that detail of information. He is from the town of Mullingar in the county of Westmeath in Ireland. That is as much as can be said.WikiAnswers cannot give that detail of information. He is from the town of Mullingar in the county of Westmeath in Ireland. That is as much as can be said.WikiAnswers cannot give that detail of information. He is from the town of Mullingar in the county of Westmeath in Ireland. That is as much as can be said.WikiAnswers cannot give that detail of information. He is from the town of Mullingar in the county of Westmeath in Ireland. That is as much as can be said.WikiAnswers cannot give that detail of information. He is from the town of Mullingar in the county of Westmeath in Ireland. That is as much as can be said.WikiAnswers cannot give that detail of information. He is from the town of Mullingar in the county of Westmeath in Ireland. That is as much as can be said.
No, our eyes does not give out light. Only light comes in to our eyes allowing us to see.
No, our eyes does not give out light. Only light comes in to our eyes allowing us to see.