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Bees have five eyes. There are three simple eyes, called ocelli, in a triangle on the top of the head. These really only detect the difference between light and dark: they do not form an image.

Bees also have two compound eyes each side of the head. These form a mosaic-like image. Bees do not see fine detail, but their eyes are very sensitive to movement.

Their colour vision is also different from ours. It extends well into the ultra-violet part of the spectrum, but not so far into the red end of the spectrum. They are also sensitive to plane polarized light, which they use for navigation.

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3mo ago

Bees have five eyes, which include three small simple eyes on the top of their head (ocelli) and two large compound eyes on the sides of their head.

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How many eyes do bees have?

Bees have five eyes in total. They have two large compound eyes on the sides of their head, which are made up of many smaller units called ommatidia. In addition, bees have three smaller simple eyes on the top of their head called ocelli.

Which letter has five eyes?

"B". Bees have 5 eyes.

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What are the compound eyes on the bees used for?

Compound eyes are used for shapes and colors

When bee opens their eyes?

Bees don't have eyelids, so their eyes can never be closed.

Do honey bees have four wings?

no but they have five eyes

Why do bees have 5 eyes?

Bees only have 2 eyes which are split into separate segments. This is called compound eyes and allow the bee to see in several directions. Compound eyes allow the bee to find food, protect itself, and meet the other needs it requires for survival.

What has more than two eyes?

Spider, Fly probably Bees

How eyes do bees have?

2 compound, 3 simple-5 total.

How do bees see?

Bees have two large compound eyes made up of many smaller lenses called ommatidia, allowing them to see ultraviolet light as well as colors in the visible spectrum. They have good color vision and can see polarized light patterns in the sky to navigate. Bees also have a small number of simple eyes on top of their heads called ocelli, which help them detect changes in light intensity.

How many eye does bees have?

Bees have five eyes. They have two large compound eyes on the sides of their head that are made up of many tiny hexagonal lenses, as well as three smaller simple eyes on the top of their head that detect light intensity.