Turtle Wexler is holding a BROOM on the front cover. Because she is a witch that flys on a BROOM not a shovel. No witch flys on a shovle.
Extreme and unreasonable fear of Insecta Diptera (flys)
Yes, there are all sorts of flies everywhere in the world. Horse flies are in Florida. :)
All birds that exist today have wings, even the Kiwi whose wings are very rudimentary. However, there are many types of flightless birds that, as the name suggests, do have wings, but cannot fly.
8 chromosomes
Fruit flys need air to breath like many other insects.
I am assuming you mean 'Why are fruit flys used in experiments and not humans?' in which case the answer is there are so many fruit flies and they are not really neccicary to us humans. Also if something goes wrong, humans could die or get mentally ill. Fruit flys just croak over and aren't missed. Correct me if I am wrong please.
Fruit Flys, Mealworms, and Superworms
Fruit flys
The fruit fly that was sent into space was named Drosophila melanogaster.
fruit flys are attracted to about every scource of food mostly sugary fruit
fruit flys and other regular insects
i heard fruit flys live for 24 hours
tigers of sumatra and dead fruit flys, everywhere.