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there are many different types of chicken which vary from show breeds to just layers

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14y ago
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8y ago

there are exactly 2,948,204 breeds of chickens in the world

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15y ago

Alot more than three all chicken lay eggs. some are just better layers than others.

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14y ago

I believe there are at least 746 different breeds of chicken. These range from standard chickens to dinosaurs.

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11y ago

There are about 175 breeds of chickens in existence according to the website Ask. A person that wants further details on the breeds of chickens can do so at this website as well as Wikipedia.

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13y ago

76 different types of birds in the earth.

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Breeds of chicken?

There are over 150 breeds of chicken.

How many different chicken breeds are there?

757,949,845,824,374,473 this is true i have counted them all

What chicken breeds migrate?

Some breeds do but not all

What is the breed of rooster?

There are many, many breeds of chickens, and there are roosters of all breeds. So that is a very open question. Roosters can be any breed of chicken.

What type of Roosters are there?

There are many different breeds of roosters, each with its own characteristics and traits. Some popular breeds include the Rhode Island Red, Barred Plymouth Rock, Leghorn, and Wyandotte. Each breed has its own unique appearance, temperament, and purpose, whether for meat, eggs, or ornamental purposes.

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No, but the anaconda breeds now in existence are endangered.

What are the breeds of chicken?


How many kinds of hens?

There are 60 different breeds of chicken. They are catagorized into 12 groups.

What are choices of chicken?

Thousands, i own Lohman Browns. There are too many I can name. Search chicken breeds in a search engine and a list will sure to be there.

What kind of chicken is small and black?

There are many breeds of small black chicken. Almost 60% of all breeds of chicken are available in black. Very small and black could be a bantam breed of some kind. See related links below for hendersons breed chart

Are there any chicken breeds that are dander free?


How many eggs do battery chickens lay in a day?

Each individual chicken lays only one egg per day maximum. There are no breeds of chicken that lay more than one egg in a 24 hour period and many breeds do not lay even that fast.