"Moo juice" is a colloquial term for milk, often used by children. It comes from the sound that cows make ("moo") and the fact that milk comes from cows.
You can make a joke with moo plop moo with a few different endings. You can say moo plop moo is a cow.
Most cows make a lowing noise best represented by the word "moo"
Where you can get your energy bulb in moo moo generation is level of your opponent and must play it in full house.
Moo moo the cow.
No, ostrich is a two syllable word: os-trich.
The word Chaos has two syllables. (Cha-os)
fuzzy bacon moo
The Spanish word for many is "muchos", or "muchas" if the subject is feminine. It is pronounced "MOO-chos". Please see the Related link below for confirmation of the translation.
In order to get secret items in moo moo gx 3.7 you will have to log into the moo moo gx 3.7 website and look up a guide and faq directly as there are many different secrets throughout the game.
(5) Cur-I-os-it-y.
There are three syllables. Pi-an-os.
moo is actually spelt Mou and means a bit floppy ie. not rigid as we say in britain, a wet flannel
Dooby Dooby Moo has 40 pages.