It depends on where you live if you live in Flint, Michigan you can have 4 dogs if you live in NY you can have 3 dogs.Thx,WildComet on Horse Isle 1
It is challenging to provide an exact number as raccoon populations can vary greatly. However, estimates suggest there are millions of raccoons in the United States, with the highest concentration in urban and suburban areas.
Bees are important to us because they are pollinators, helping plants reproduce and produce fruits and seeds. They play a crucial role in ecosystems and agriculture by ensuring the growth of many food crops. Additionally, bees are also a vital part of biodiversity and contribute to the overall health of our planet.
They live in south America and central America.
Tennessee is represented by 2 senators in the US Senate and 9 representatives in the US House of Representatives, totaling 11 congressmen in total.
about OVER 9000 live in the us today in south and north dakota
As of 2011, there are about six million Jews in the U.S.
The question is far too broad. There are many, many thousands of laws the US citizens have to abide by.
They still do, there are many cowboys still working in many countries.
Click on the Population Clock link below.
Most cherokeee in the US today live in either Oklahoma or North Carolina. They are the largest native tribe in the Unted States.
how many cars in the us today
According to the US Census Bureau Homepage the current 2008 US population estimates at about 305,473,867 persons.
how did the civil war affect the way you live in the united states today
This year. Knights are with us today
They're homes. Christians live throughout the US, in all states and US territories. The US is not divided into separate religious regions.
over two million family's live in the us :) that was on my test to today and i got it right ..... need any more answers just ask at or :0