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Jaguars mate throughout the year, and the gestation period is between ninety and one hundred days. The kittens stay with their mother until they are between 1 and 1.5 years old.

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Q: How long is a jaguar pregnant with jaguar babies?
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Male and female lop-eared bunnies together and you think she is pregnant How long do you keep the pair together and after she has babies do you need to separate them for the sake of the babies?

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How often are babies born to a jaguar?

Jaguars have 1 - 3 babies at a time in about yearly intervals.

How long does a jaguar hold the baby in it's stomach?

Babies are not born out of stomachs. Stomachs are for food only. If you want to know how long a jaguar's gestation period is, just ask that question and you'll find out it's 93 to 105 days in the womb or uterus.