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Within the first hour.

Within the first hour.

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Within the first hour.

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Q: How long does it take for baby cow to stand up?
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How long does a cow take to have its baby on Harvest Moon DS Cute?

Three weeks

How long does it take for your cow to have a baby on harvest moon ds cute?

21 days.

How long does it take for a baby cow to start to walk?

A baby cow, also known as a calf, can typically start walking within a few hours after being born. Some calves may stand and walk sooner, while others may take a bit longer. It is important for calves to be able to stand and walk shortly after birth to be able to nurse and stay healthy.

How long does it take for bison cow to have a baby?

The gestation period for a female American bison is 9.5 months.

How long do baby cows take to develop in their parent's stomachs?

A cow's gestation period is about nine months (279 days long).

How long does it take for baby cows to grow?

A beef cow is ready to be slaughtered at around the age of 1-1.5 years.

What is a baby cooked cow called?

A baby cow is called a calf.

What is the English baby cow?

A baby cow is called a calf, in English.

What is a baby cow and a mother cow called?

The baby is called a calf and mother is a cow. Together they are called a cow-calf pair, or "mom and baby."

Will the calf survive and stand on his own?

Hopefully, if the cow has good milk and you take care of the cow and calf properly. It often will take a calf between 10 minutes and 2 hours for him to eventually stand on his own and start to nurse. So be patient.

When was Baby Cow Productions created?

Baby Cow Productions was created in 1999.

What is the name of a cow's baby?

The name of a baby cow is a Calf