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Q: How long does it take for a bat to die?
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How long does the pregnancy of a bat take?

3 Months

How long does it take to charge a cell phone bat?

24 hours

How long does a mother vampire bat take of its young?

For afew weeks.

How long can a bat survive without food?

ALL animals must eat to remain alive. If a bat (or any other animal) does not eat, it will die of starvation.

How long does it take to die when you are burnt alive?

as long as it take for them to burn haha as long as it take for them to burn haha as long as it take for them to burn haha as long as it take for them to burn haha

What is the scientific name for long-nosed bat?

There are several that are recognized by ITIS: the Southern long-nosed bat is Leptonycteris curasoae, the Greater long-nosed bat is Leptonycteris nivalis, and the Lesser long-nosed bat is Leptonycteris yerbabuenae. Similar species are the Minor long-nosed long-tongued bat Choeroniscus minor, and the Puerto Rican long-nosed bat, Monophyllus frater.

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how long does it take to die from asphyxiation

How long can a vampire bat live without blood?

A vampire bat can typically survive for about a week without feeding on blood. After this time, they become weak and may die if they do not find a blood meal.

When did Yocheved Bat-Miriam die?

Yocheved Bat-Miriam died in 1980.

When was Eastern Long-eared Bat created?

Eastern Long-eared Bat was created in 1915.

When was Grey long-eared bat created?

Grey long-eared bat was created in 1829.

When was Underwood's Long-tongued Bat created?

Underwood's Long-tongued Bat was created in 1903.