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I have a guine pig named toffee. Each morning I give her a pieace of lettuce and pieace of cucumber and a few grapes and a pieace of carret. I usally wash the food I give my guine pig under the sink. so the posin comes off the food and she gets enough liquid.

my guine pig doesn't drink water she gets all the liquid she needs from the fruit and vegs.

Guiens pigs eat when ever there hungry. If they ate all the food by the end of the night, its good to give then a corn on the cob and a pieace of tomato and mabey a apple cor for her to last in the night.

Its good to play with your guine pig every day like pat your guine pig and talk to them and give them a little run a around on the grass. Guine pigs could eat grass though not weeds! ecpessaly when the weeds are sprayed with weed killer.

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13y ago
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6mo ago

Guinea pigs typically eat throughout the day, grazing on hay, fresh vegetables, pellets, and occasional treats. It is recommended to provide them with a constant supply of hay and fresh water to keep their digestive system healthy.

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12y ago

2-5 minutes. You just need to let it's stomach settle so it can eat more.

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NO! guine pigs are a small soft pet from earth! even look them up Lol

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NO NO NO NO guinea pigs can not eat peanut butter they only eat there food and certain fruits and veg tables so no please DON'T try it that might KILL it

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guine pigs popcorn when they are happy or when you play with them.

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Yes, they blink.

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you can make a poster to show what they look like

Do guine pigs see from the side or straight?

Guinea pigs have a sort of binocular vision, slightly askew in comparison to a human's.