get a live
How long can a 13yr old dog live with fluid on the lungs
dotsons live for about 12 to 16 years of age i have had one
a ruru can live for 100 years
White-fronted capuchins typically live up to 30 years in the wild, and can live even longer in captivity, sometimes reaching up to 40 years.
They sniff each others butts, like other dogs.
dashunds are pernouced DOx-en some people put doxin
It depends on which type you get, if you get a normal sized one their backs can grow up to about 28 inches, if you get a miniature about 16 inches.
Dachshund is a German word for 'Badger Dog' and also originated in Germany.
shep, is for grown sized dogs with strong teeth and gums. other pups and dogs eat different food.
Sorry bro, shedding is never a serious health problem unless there's a weird rash
Well I got best friends and you get to meet other dogs, and you start out with different dogs than the other ones like Dashunds and Labs
if you want it to live as long as you live you can stick with that
how long do white-fronted capuchins live how long do white-fronted capuchins live
how long does a bullhead live for
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