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Well, kittens grow up to be cats and an average age span for a cat is 14-20 years. The oldest cat is 36 years old. If you would like a definite answer you may want to contact your veterinarian.

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16y ago

I had one who lived 1 month short of his 20th birthday. Properly cared for and kept indoors, a runt should have just as much chance as any other cat.

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12y ago

Who knows, we picked the runt of the litter 20 years ago and he is still a runt and still with us.

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Q: How long do cat runts live?
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How long will a Domestic Cat live with FIV?

A domestic cat can live with the disease FIV for several years.

Will you pet eat even more if it was the runt of the litter when it was born?

Usally no the runts might be small and you might think that they would need to eat more of then the others but its body is the same and wont make it need more food. Itll just be tiny. Runts of the litter may not stay runts for long.

Can a cat birth a underdeveloped kitten and still carry the rest to full term?

It's possible that the cat can miscarry one kitten and still carry the rest full term. If your cat has miscarried one kitten, I advise you to take her to the vet because if a kitten died in her it could make her very ill, or even die, and it can also harm the other kittens.

How long can a cat live on water only?

A cat will not survive on water alone. Cats require a balanced diet that includes essential nutrients such as proteins, fats, and vitamins to remain healthy. Without these nutrients, a cat's health will rapidly deteriorate, leading to organ failure and eventually death.

How long does a dwarf cat live for?

It's best assumed that they live as long as any other cats with common estimates of how long they live. It's said that Dwarf cats, though shorter and what not, does not shorten their life span. However, Given proper care, nutrition, and regular veterinary visits, a cat kept indoors can live as long as 21 years or more. (The average age of cats is 12-15) but otherwise, The life span of a cat depends on several factors. health. On average, indoor cats live 12 to 15 years. A cat may reach the age of 21, if he doesn't have any medical conditions and has a proper diet. The record age for a cat is said to be 36, however, the Guinness World Record is held by a cat in Australia that lived to be 25. Cats that are kept exclusively indoors should live a longer life.

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When was Runts created?

Runts was created in 1982.

How many do a cat live?

if you mean how long does a cat live, this depends on its health, some breeds can live as long as 20-23 years , if a cat goes outside this can take 5 to 7 years off its life span, a cat that only stays indoors or in an enclosed area can live much longer.

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well so long has high as a cat

How long can a wild cat live?

it depens what type of wild cat it is

How long an a cat live for?

16 to 20 if they are indoor mostly

How long can an indoor cat live?

10 - 15 years

Do cats live as long when they have been neutered?

It depends on the cat, if the cat was hanging good to dear life or not.

How long does a kitty live?

well if the cat is an indoor only cat they can live to about 20 years tops but if its a indoor outdoor or only outdoor cat then probably 10 or 15 years.

How long will a Domestic Cat live with FIV?

A domestic cat can live with the disease FIV for several years.

How long may well cat live?

Up to 15yrs or longer

How long does a Himalayan Persians live?

they can live a normal cat life span unless they have a disease or sickness.