For nine month
their dad
Baby white tigers typically stay with their mother for about 2-3 years. During this time, the mother teaches them important survival skills such as hunting and how to navigate their environment. After this period, the young tigers become independent and venture out on their own.
No. Male lions, and therefor all father lions, are, as a general rule, are considerably larger than female lions (mother lions).
My Mom's Having a Baby was created in 1977.
female lions never leave the pride but males leave and start their own pride
males stay with the mom for a year and females a little longer
5 months
6 months
29 days
29 days.
Until the mom has another litter, or until the baby gerbil can eat solid food.
For nine month
For about 3 weeks.
Baby bears may stay with the mother for two years or more.
7 yearsaboand a halfut 1 year
6-9 months ever heard of wikipedia