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2mo ago

Adelie penguins typically live for about 10-20 years in the wild. However, some individuals have been known to live up to 20-25 years.

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Why do Adelie penguins live on Antarctica?

Adelie penguins do not live on Antarctica. They are sea birds and find their food chain there, where they make their home. Adelie -- and three other types of penguins -- breed on Antarctica's beaches, because there are no land predators there.

What habitat does Adelie penguin live in?

Adelie penguins usually live in the antarctican part less than -2.

What are the names of the penguins that live in antactica?

the emperor and the adelie

Why are adelie penguins similar to emperor penguins?

They are both penguins and they both live in south pole.

Why don't Adelie penguins that live in Antarctica get pregnant?

Adelie penguins lay eggs, like most birds. In the late spring, the Adelie penguin rookeries are full of hatched eggshells and chicks.

Why are Adelie Penguins called Adelie Penguins?

they were named after an explorer's wife.

Do Emperor penguins and Adelie penguins interact?

no they don't they live in different places and if they do i don't know

How do adelie penguins escape penguins?

Adelie penguins are not preyed upon by other penguins, so there is no reason for them to escape.

What continent are Adelie penguins native to?

Adelie penguins are native to the continent of Antarctica.

What are the penguins names that live in Antarctica?

No animal lives in Antarctica: it's too cold and there is no food chain. Penguins are sea birds that visit Antarctica's beaches to breed, and include Adelie and Emperor penguins.

What spieces of a penguin live in Antarctica?

No penguins live in Antarctica. Two types of penguins breed on Antarctica's beaches: Adelie and Emperor. Penguins are sea birds and live at sea.

What type of penguin live in antarctica?

Of the 21 known species four live in Antarctica: The Adelie, the Macaroni, the Chinstrap and the Emperor.