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If we didn't have bees and our technology didn't improve, then we could not survive without the trees and plants. Bees help theses plants by pollenating them and keeping them healthy. If our Technology did improve, then scientists could probably figure out a way to survivee without theese things.

Thanks, Bekah Jobe

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Q: How long can we survive without bees?
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How long can man live without bees?

Albert Einstein said that, if bees disappeared man would only survive for 4 years.

Could bees survive without humans?

Yes because they survive on plant, not human.

Do bees need oxygen to survive?

Yes, bees need oxygen to survive. Just like other living organisms, bees require oxygen for respiration to produce energy and carry out their bodily functions. Without oxygen, bees would not be able to survive.

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You need energy to survive, so you cannot survive without energy.

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Not for very long. People cannot survive for very long without water, anywhere.

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How long can bees survive without water?

If you have trapped and bee and made food and water inaccessible, it would take about 48 hours to die. If he is not trapped, he will go search for food and water to prevent death.

Can bees drown?

Yes, bees can drown if they are submerged in water for too long. Their small bodies can become waterlogged, making it difficult for them to fly or survive. Bees typically avoid bodies of water to prevent drowning.

Why can't we survive without bees?

Bees are vital for pollinating many crops that humans rely on for food. Without bees, these plants would not be able to reproduce and grow, leading to a decline in food production. Additionally, bees play a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity in ecosystems.

Can bees survive without a queen?

If a queen dies, then the worker bees will feed royal jelly to some of the larvae and they will turn into queen bees. The first one out will kill all the others, so there will only be one Queen Bee in the hive. This is still a dead end until the queen finds a drone, mates and gets down into the business of egg laying.