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Various species of crocodiles can stay submerged for longer than others, and young ones generally cannot last as long as adults. Also, most will swim on the surface so they can still get air.

The Nile Crocodile has been observed to spend up to two hours submerged, and the Australian saltwater species is reported to stay under even longer. The average dive is considerably less, just a few minutes.
A crocodile can stay underwater for three to five minutes.
Most crocodiles spent very little time diving and holing their breath. Most stay near the surface where they can have the oxygen necessary to attack prey.

The Nile Crocodile has been observed submerged for 2 hours, and the saltwater species in Australia for more than 2 hours. But this is not their usual behavior.
A crocodile can stay under water for a maximum of 30 minutes, any longer and it may drown.

Approximately 2 hours

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8y ago
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10y ago

As long as crocodile wants to stay outside in the sun. If the crocodiles body heat soars too high then crocodile will go into the water to cool down or rolling in the mud, even if it starves, they will go into the water and hunting for food. Crocodile usually can go without food for a week.

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8y ago

Sharks live under water and like most undersea animals, do not breath air. There is no 'breath' to hold.

Of interest, though, is that sharks must continually move forward so that seawater always flows through their gills, extracting oxygen from the water.

Non-fishy sea animals include whales, dolphins, seals, and penguins. They all frolic about underwater, but must come to the surface for air every so often.
A shark is a fish not a mammal and therefore breaths through gills. It doesn't 'hold' it's breath when it is underwater.

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13y ago

a submerged (underwater) lizard can hold its breath for 24 mins

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16y ago

Crocodiles cannot breathe underwater.

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15 min.

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10 years

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