Its how long you have to massage its anus, whilst it tries to give birth.
Some women give birth easily, in a matter of hours, or even minutes. However, some women are in labour for many hours or several days (seldom more than 36 hours), which is exhausting for them. It is not usually predictable how long the labour will be.
A pig is simialr to a dog. After the babies have been weaned from their mother, about a week after, she will go into heat, and then should continue to go into heat every 21 days.
Well in the springtime, lions and lionesses mate. Then in the summertime the lionesses give birth. They care for their young for a long time.
A sloth's pregnancy typically lasts for about 10 months, and they give birth to a single baby at a time. Once born, the baby sloth will usually cling to its mother for several months until it is ready to be more independent.
Within 24 hours. Mucous plug desention means that cervix is opening.
a long time
An average of 42 days is the time is takes for a ferret to give birth.
It takes 12 months for a dolphin to give birth to another dolphin (calf).
Mollies typically give birth within 4 to 6 weeks after mating.
Not always but quite often. Like most mammals bearing live young, giving birth is a painful process for the mother and often is accompanied by at least some bleeding. Often long before the babies are actually born, contractions and the movement of the babies along the birth canal can push out blood and mucus first.
The time it takes for Molly to give birth can vary, but on average it can take around 6 to 12 hours for a dog to give birth to a litter of puppies.
It takes around 3 - 4 weeks for a platy fish to give birth.
just over a year
I think six weeks
100 Years