The shortfin mako shark is facing threats of overfishing, bycatch in fisheries, and habitat loss due to climate change and ocean pollution. These factors are impacting their population numbers and putting them at risk of becoming extinct. Conservation efforts such as implementing fishing limits and protected areas are crucial to help protect the shortfin mako shark from extinction.
The Mako Shark is wanted for its tender meat and for their fins which can be used in medicines in Asian countries. In Hong Kong, shark fin soup can cost almost $100 for a single serving. As with most shark species, Mako Sharks are becoming smaller in number because they live a long life and have only a small number of babies.
The shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) is more common than the longfin mako shark (Isurus paucus). Shortfin makos are found in tropical and temperate waters around the world, while longfin makos are typically found in deeper, colder waters.
Mako attacks the shark when his friend Afa was getting attacked by Tupa. Eventually Mako killed the shark for beating him up an saving Afa's life.
No, the megalodon shark is extinct. The last known megalodon lived approximately 2.6 million years ago.
Yes, a mako is an animal. It is a type of shark found in oceans around the world. Mako sharks are known for their speed and agility in the water.
the short fin mako shark. common around ireland.
A mako is a shark
The Mako shark has many common names such as Mako, Short-fin Mako, Sharp nosed Mackerel shark, and Blue Pointer in Australia. The Mako shark can live up to 25 years. It is a furious fighter and it reaches about 12 feet in length. Its closest relatives are the Long-fin Mako, Great White shark, and Probeagle.For more Facts on the Mako shark type in, What is the Mako sharks description, what does the Mako shark eat, and how much the Mako shark can weigh. :D
A Shortfin Mako shark, cousin to the Great White, and also referred to as a number of other things: mako, paloma, bonito, shortfin, short-finned mako, blue pointer, mackerel shark, spriglio.
The fastest shark is the Short Fin Mako. It is slim and it's short fins help it glide through the water.
its born like the groawn
The fastest species of shark is the shortfin mako shark, which can reach speeds of up to 60 miles per hour (97 km/h) in short bursts. With its streamlined body and powerful muscles, the shortfin mako is known for its impressive agility and speed in the water.
The shortfin mako is a widespread pelagic that lives in coastal and open ocean waters.
A mako shark survives by eating a lot .
the real name for a mako shark depends on what type it could be longfin (isurus pausus),or the more commen shortfin (isurus oxyrinchus).or it could be one of the extinct types,if u want to know them,google it
A Mako is a large ocean shark.Originating in the Maori language, mako means shark, shark's tooth".
If by Leopard Shark you mean Triakis semifasciata then no, the Mako Shark is faster.