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it needs to be moist to survive
Around here, when it rains really hard and there is standing water on the ground, the earthworms start to drown. They come out of their borrows and try to find higher ground. Trouble is, they either drowned or can't find their burrows again. So after a big rain there are all these dead worms all over the place. More than what the birds can gobble up in a week. I consider this a poor adaptation to local conditions.
Earthworms are poorly adapted to life on land for many reasons. One is that they have no limbs, so movement is quite limited for the worm.

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3mo ago

Earthworms lack lungs and a protective outer layer, making them vulnerable to dehydration on land. They also depend on moist environments for gas exchange through their skin. Lastly, they are sensitive to light and vibrations, which can make them easy targets for predators on land.

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Q: How is an earthworm poorly adapted to life on land?
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An earthworm's body is adapted to life in the soil by having a slender body and by digesting soil. The long body makes it easier to burrow. Also, by just digesting the soil and passing it through the anus the worm can get nourishment while just moving.

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What are Ways in which an earthworm's body is adapted life in the soil?

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