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Adult male hamsters normal weight is 80-100 gm and adult females is the same.Newborn hamsters normal weight is 2 gm.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 7mo ago

A hamster typically weighs around 1.5 to 5.5 ounces (40 to 150 grams), depending on the breed and individual size.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

A hamster is usually a few ounces. Sometimes a hamster weighs like nothing to me.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

the most weight that a hamster can weight is 10 pounds

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Q: How heavy is a hamster?
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He is breathing heavy and not moving and twiching a lot .What is wrong with my hamster?


How heavy does a hamster get?

not that heavy probably just about 2 ounces because a mouse weighs only one ounce

How do you make tubes that your hamster will not eat?

use a heavy, hard plastic or metal.

What happens when your hamster feels heavy?

When your hamster feels heavy that may mean she is putting weight to stay on your hand or ground but when they are in air or being accidentally droped they reduce the weight and become lighter to reduce the chance of fall damage.

Your hamster is breathing heavy and is unbalanced what might be wrong can someone help?

its got asthma

How heavy are hamsters?

a normal syrian hamster adult is only 200-300 grams

My hamster is breathing heavy and not moving he is twiching a lot. what is wrong with him?

It may be that he has gone into hibernation, I have had this before with my hamster. I was advised to warm him up and to have water there for him. If you think he may be hibernating check out:

How heavy is the worlds heaviest hamster?

The worlds heaviest hamster is 12 stone and called Robert. He currently lives with his owner Becky in Portsmouth and is fed on a diet on carrots and small children.

Do dwarf hamsters have to have certain hamster balls?

Nope. I have a dwarf hamster and he has a medium sized ball but its a little to heavy for his weak little body to move. I recomend the smalled ball you can get that way they can go faster and eaiser! Good luck!

What should you do if your hamster has ticks?

TRY IT THIS EASY WAY!Lather your hamster down with baby powder. Make sure your hamster doesn't move that much. Do this when your hamster is sleepy, they are less squirmy! The ticks will get irritated by it can will slowly come out of your hamster's fur. Pick out all the ticks and put them on a piece of tissue. You can't pop the ticks with your fingers, as they are too flat. When they are on the tissue, get something hard and heavy (like a metal spoon or even a stone) and CRUSH the blood out of the ticks! GET YOUR REVENGE ON THOSE EVIL TICKS!!!Do this for about 2 days and all the ticks will be out of your hamster's fur!

Do hamsters snore?

my hamster kinda breathed a little heavy and when i put my head close to it i could hear little snores so..they can

What are all the specis of hamsters?

There are five common species of hamsters kept as pets: Syrian hamster, Dwarf Campbell Russian hamster, Dwarf Winter White Russian hamster, Chinese hamster, and Roborovski hamster. Each species has its own unique characteristics and care requirements.