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There are approximately supposed to be 50 yards away. You don't want to lose your new baby egg on the first day! And you don't want to be too close so the leapord seals can eat you

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Q: How far away are Emperor Penguins' rookeries from the sea?
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How many chromosomes does a panda have?

The Giant Panda has 42 chromosomes.

How far do penguins poop from their nest?

15 inches

Do penguins eat feces?

No, penguins do not eat feces. Their diet typically consists of fish, squid, and krill.

How many penguins live at the South Pole?

No penguins live at the South Pole because it's too far from the sea! Of the 18 species of penguin, only 5 live in Antarctica, and all but the emperor penguin leave Antarctica in the winter. The emperor penguin nests no more than 30 miles inland --- still 1470 miles from the south pole!Another AnswerPenguins are sea birds and make their homes in the sea where they find food. Four types of penguins breed on Antarctica's beaches, including the Emperor, Adelie, Chinstrap and Gentoo.The closest open water to the South Pole is about 750 miles, and the elevation of the South Pole is higher than 9,300 feet.Antarctica is too cold to support animal life of any kind, and there is no food chain there.OVER 9000WHAT 9000 that's impossible

Do all penguins live at the South Pole?

No penguins live at the South Pole. Penguins are found in the Antarctic, but not at the South Pole itself. This theoretical point lies too far inland for penguins, or any other animals to venture. Penguins are only found in the southern hemisphere, and are by no means restricted to the Antarctic. Whilst nothing can actually live at the "South Pole", because it is a point too far inland on the Antarctic continent to support life, penguins are one of the most abundant lifeforms found on the Antarctic peninsula and surrounding islands.

Related questions

Why do the male emperor penguins carry the egg?

Because there isn't anyone else around to do it. The female is somewhere else far away, searching for food.

How far from the coast do emperor penguins live?

All penguins are sea birds that live at sea. Their vast roaming distances -- away from the land beaches where they breed -- are mostly undiscovered by scientists, even with the aid of satellite tracking devices that a few of the birds wear.

Large colonies of emperor penguins inhabit this continent?

I'm not sure but i think far north or south

How many chromosomes are in penguins?

There are several species of penguins. A different number of chromosomes can appear in each species. Studied species so far show penguins to have between 30 and 80. Emperor and rockhopper penguins both have 38 chromosomes.

How many emperor penguins are left in the world?

quite a few i think is this much 200000 left in the wild, their population is stable so far

Can emperor penguins live longer in the cold than chickens?

Yes, far longer. The chicken would die within two or three days; the emperor penguin has adapted to extreme low temperatures.

How far away are chinstrap penguins from the north pole?

A long way, they are much closer to the South Pole.

How many chromosomes does a panda have?

The Giant Panda has 42 chromosomes.

How far can penguins waddle?


Who are fatter penguins or kangaroos?

Penguins are fatter, heavier and far more solidly built than kangaroos.

What is the suicide rate of penguins?

As far as we know, 0%.

How far do penguins walk to mate?

29metreType your answer here...