Crocodiles have lungs and breathe air like humans. When a crocodile is submerged underwater, it can hold its breath for long periods of time by slowing its heart rate and relying on stored oxygen in its blood and muscles. When it surfaces, it quickly exhales and inhales, replenishing its oxygen supply.
A crocodile is a reptile because it is cold blooded and has scaly skin.
crocodile calling me,,, crocodile calling me,,,
Some of the 23 different species of crocodiles include the American crocodile, Nile crocodile, saltwater crocodile, Cuban crocodile, and Siamese crocodile. Crocodiles are found in various habitats across different continents and exhibit unique characteristics that distinguish each species.
Crocodile is the correct spelling.
yes they do
well, a shark bite is usually created by a shark (when it bites you) and a crocodile bite is usually created by a crocodile.
Well.. They have scales.. and breathe thru their noses not skin
They all breathe air.
None ! When submerged it holds its breath. When at the surface it breathes air. It doesn't breathe under water.
Crocs don't breath underwater. They have lungs and breathe air pretty much like you and I. Thye hold their breath while diving.
Like all reptiles, crocodiles and their cousins - caimans, alligators and the gharial - breathe through lungs.
Although it cannot breathe underwater, an alligator can hold its breath for up to an hour. A crocodile is an order of reptile that contains both crocodiles and alligators, among other relatives. Like all reptiles, crocodiles have backbones, dry, scaly skin, and are cold-blooded.
Hippos Penguins Whales Dolphins Manatee Marine Iguana Alligator/Crocodile Turtles
Both have a backbone and four appendages. They are animals that breathe and rely on food and water.
A crocodile can eat a frog. The main difference is that crocodiles are reptiles and frogs are amphibians. Crocodiles have lungs from the time they hatch, but frogs first breathe using gills and a spiracle (when they're tadpoles) and develop lungs as they grow.