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Q: How does Ulysses trick the Polyphemus?
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What name does Odysseus call himself to the monster?

Odysseus calls himself "Nobody" to trick the Cyclops Polyphemus in the Odyssey. This clever trick allows Odysseus to escape when he blinds Polyphemus and the other Cyclopes ask who harmed him. Polyphemus replies that "Nobody" has harmed him, so they do not come to his aid.

How does Odysseus trick the cyclops?

Odysseus tells the cyclops his name is "Nobody" and then blinds him with a wooden stake while he is sleeping. When the cyclops calls for help, his fellow cyclops think "Nobody" is harming him, so they do not come to his aid. This allows Odysseus and his men to escape.

In revealing. his traits to polyphemus what traitwat trait does he show?

In revealing his traits to Polyphemus Odysseus shows his cunning and intelligence. He tells Polyphemus that his name is "Nobody" knowing that this will create confusion and make it difficult for Polyphemus to seek revenge. He also demonstrates his bravery by standing up to the Cyclops despite being vastly outnumbered. Finally he shows his wit by quickly coming up with a plan to escape the cave of the Cyclops. Cunning Intelligence Bravery Wit

Is polyphemus a common noun?

No, the noun 'Polyphemus' is a proper noun, the name of a specific entity in Greek mythology. The names of specific people, real or fictional are proper nouns. Proper nouns are always capitalized.

How does Odysseus hurt cyclops?

Odysseus and his men blinded the Cyclops Polyphemus by driving a wooden stake into his single eye while he was sleeping. This allowed them to escape from his cave by hiding under the bellies of his sheep when he opened the cave entrance the next day.

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Who is Ulysses and Polyphemus?

Polyphemus is the son of Poseidon(god of the sea)

What book does Ulysses and Polyphemus appear in?

Ulysses and Polyphemus appear in Homer's epic poem "The Odyssey." Polyphemus is a Cyclops who imprisons Ulysses and his crew, leading to a famous encounter where Ulysses blinds him in order to escape.

Who was ullyses and polyphemus?

In Greek mythology, Polyphemus is the cyclops son of Poseidon and Thoosa. Ulysses is another name for Odysseus, the character in the epic poem "The Odyssey" who kills Polyphemus.

Why does Neptune torment Ulysses?

Neptune was angry that Ulysses had blinded the cyclops Polyphemus (not sure of his roman name) who was the son of Neptune.

Why did Poseidon punish Ulysses?

Poseidon punished Ulysses because he blinded the Cyclops Polyphemus, who was Poseidon's son. Ulysses' act angered Poseidon, and as the god of the sea, he had the power to make Ulysses' journey home from the Trojan War much more challenging by causing storms and obstacles for him.

How was that Ulysses and his men were able to escape from polyphemus?

Oddesy defeated Polyphemus by stabbing him in the eye and blinding him while his friends and himself could escape.

What lie does Odysseus tell Polyphemus?

Odysseus tells Polyphemus that his name is "Nobody" when asked for his name. This allows Odysseus to trick Polyphemus when he later blinds him and Polyphemus calls for help, claiming that "Nobody" is attacking him.

Who killed Polyphemus the Cyclops?

If you mean Prometheus the Titan his death is not recorded, but he was punished by Zeus for giving fire to Man by being tied to a rock and having his liver eaten every day by an eagle, He was rescued by Hercules.The death of Polyphemus the Cyclops, who captured Ulysses and his crew, is not recorded. After blinding Polyphemus, Ulysses and his men escaped to their ship.

How do the other Cyclops respond to Polyphemus' cries?

The other Cyclops ignore Polyphemus' cries for help, thinking that he is just playing a trick. They do not come to his aid, assuming that he is fine.

What name does Odysseus call himself to the monster?

Odysseus calls himself "Nobody" to trick the Cyclops Polyphemus in the Odyssey. This clever trick allows Odysseus to escape when he blinds Polyphemus and the other Cyclopes ask who harmed him. Polyphemus replies that "Nobody" has harmed him, so they do not come to his aid.

What trick does Odysseus devise to get past the blinded cyclops?

His men tied themselves to the bellies of Polyphemus' sheep.

Why does Polyphemus show courtesy to Odysseus and his men?

Polyphemus attempts to trick Odysseus and his men into revealing where their ship is, among other information. There is no need for him to be overtly antagonistic until he wants to eat the men.