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Yes, but it needs some additions like Mendelian Genetics that Darwin did not have. These additions have already been made.

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Q: How does Darwin's principle of descent with modification explain the characteritics of todays species?
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What is common descent with modification?

Common descent with modification is the concept that all organisms on Earth are descended from a common ancestor, and that over time, through the process of natural selection, genetic changes accumulate in populations leading to the diversity of life we see today. This idea was proposed by Charles Darwin in his theory of evolution.

What does descent modification imply about the relationships among the different species on earth today?

That the offspring of one species may adapt to it's surroundings and live longer then though without the modification.

Why were the Galapagos islands so important to Darwin's observations?

During Darwins visit to the Galapagos island he observed that these islands had many unique organisms, most of which were similar to but different from the plants and animals from the nearest mainland.... thus this indicated how population evolved. Darwin called this "descent with modification" meaning an ancestral species could diversify into many descendant species by the accumulation of adaptation to various environment. His observation described the theory of evolution.

Does evolution involves descent with modification?

Yes, evolution involves descent with modification, meaning that species change over time through the passing on of genetic information from one generation to the next. This process can lead to the emergence of new traits and characteristics in populations over long periods of time.

How Are homologous structures such as forelimbs evidence for common descent?

Homologous structures are similar body parts in different species that point to a shared evolutionary history. The forelimbs of vertebrates, like the pentadactyl limb (having five digits), suggest a common ancestor where these structures evolved and diversified over time. The presence of these homologous structures supports the theory of common descent, as they indicate a modification of a common ancestral limb for different functions in various species.

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New generations are better suited to the environment than the first generation what is this called?

Descent with modification (Apex)

The principle that states that living species are descended from ancient ones and it is descent with?

Modification:p hope this helped

What is the definition of Darwin's principal descent with modification?

Darwin's principle of descent with modification suggests that all species share a common ancestor and have diversified over time through the processes of natural selection, mutation, and genetic drift. This principle forms the foundation of evolutionary theory, explaining the diversity of life on Earth.

What is common descent with modification?

Common descent with modification is the concept that all organisms on Earth are descended from a common ancestor, and that over time, through the process of natural selection, genetic changes accumulate in populations leading to the diversity of life we see today. This idea was proposed by Charles Darwin in his theory of evolution.

What principle states that living things change gradually over time through natural selection?

The theory of evolution by natural selection.

What is it called when newer generations are better suited to an environment than the first generation is?

descent with modification

Involves descent with modification?


Is descent with modification caused by natural selection?

No, it's the other way around: descent with modification is what you need for natural selection to happen.

What is the evolutuionary theory?

The theory of descent with modification.

What was the name of Charles Darwins' famous book?

"The Descent of Man" was published in 1871.

Fossils show evidence of descent with modification?

yes they do

Descent with modification or change over time is?
