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Q: How doe animal obtain energy in consumption of maize meal?
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Related questions

How do you use the word maize in a sentence?

Maize is used for human and animal food.

What is the homophones of maize and the meaning of maize?

The homophones for "maize" are "maze" and "maise." Maize is a type of grain crop that is also known as corn, commonly used for food and animal feed.

Why is the maize so important to Mexico?

The maize was important to because for eat.The Maya's main crop was maize.The maize they grew, however,was smaller than modern ear of corn

What is the life cycle of a maize?

Maize Maize Maize

What animal came to Europe through the Columbian exchange?

Maize, tomatoes, and potatoes came to Europe through the Columbian Exchange.

Why is maize considered staple food in Zimbabwe?

Because it is cheap and easily available. (Reuters) - Zimbabwe's 2014 harvest for the staple maize rose 82 percent to 1.46 million tonnes, enough to meet annual domestic consumption for the first time since 2003.

How maize seeds disperse?

Maize seeds are dispersed in a wide variety of methods. Most commonly, for large-scale growers, they are dispersed using tilling machinery that spreads the seeds evenly.

What is maizeflower?

Maize flour is basically flour made from maize maize is a crop and wotsits are made from maize :)

What is another name for corn?

corn can be known as mealies in South Africa

What is a maize?

Maize is a type of corn.

Is a maize a dicotyledon?

no maize is a monocot

How do people obtain foods?

Nowadays, mainly from shops. In rural areas people still subsistence farm so they have their livestock (such as chickens & cows) or crops (such as maize).