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An onomatopoeia would be "waaaaa!" but a text form would be "boo hoo."

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Q: How do you type a crying sound?
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A baby crying.

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Koalas are known to make a sound that resembles a crying baby when distressed. This vocalization is a way for them to communicate their distress or discomfort to others in their community.

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It is a form of opinion whether Flyleaf's songs sound emo or not. A reason why their songs could sound emo to fans, is because Flyleaf is crying out to God in their songs. Christian rock has that type of feel.

What is the sound made during crying?

The sound made during crying is typically a combination of sniffles, sobbing, and wailing. It can vary depending on the intensity of emotion and individual characteristics.

How do you spell the sound of a baby crying?

The spelling of the sound a baby makes when crying is "waaaah". Some babies might also be yelling "maaaaaaaa maaaaaaaa", as if they are asking for their mother.

What disease causes an infant to sound like a cat when crying?

It is not a disease its a disorder called the cry of the cat thus the infant sound like a cat crying. It is caused by genetics

What is the name of the sound one makes after crying a lot?

The sound is often described as a sniffle or a sob.

How do you write a crying sound?

A crying sound can be written as "waaah" or "sob". It can also be represented as "boo hoo" or "weep". The key is to convey the emotion and intensity of the cry through the written word.