Translation: "The name of my dog."
The puddle dog breed is the same as a French poodle. This breed got its name from the German word Pudelhund.
"Chien" is the word for dog in French.
Chacal Sources: Google Translate
A big dog would be "un grand chien" in French.
vu (Got it from Google Translate)
absolument (Got it from Google Translate)
"Saved" in French is spelled "sauvé".
Actually we got that word from the French, so it's identical: "le message."
if it's the answer to an explanation someone gave you, it should be translated: "J'ai compris"
If my French is correct then you translate it like 'renaît'.
l'amour de ton im not sure if this is exact because i got it on goole translate
I need to translate this document from English to French before our meeting tomorrow.
Dog translate to Portuguese as Cão. Puppy (younger dogs) translate to Portuguese as Cachorro. Hot dog translate as Cachorro Quente or simply Cachorro to Portuguese.
Black dog
pas vivant :) I just got it from google translate. if you need any more translations just go there :)