Carefully turn them upside down and gently use your thumb and forefinger to carefully push up the fur away from their..."butt". Then slowly push down and you will see the "holes". For males, the upper hole should look like a circle-shaped hole. The females' upper holes should look like a tiny vertical line. If the rabbit is over 6 months old, the males should have two bumps under the upper hole.
If you hold the bunny like you would a baby (my giant rabbit loves this) then sit and set your bunny on your knee (head at your belly, feet at your knees, or vice versa, which ever is easiest), you should be able to see quite clearly between their hind legs and distinguish. Hope this helped!
Schnuffel is a male rabbit character in the popular animated series "Schnuffel Bunny."
Reader Rabbit is a boy character in the educational software series of the same name created by The Learning Company.
The same way you tell if it's a boy or girl dog or human.
You can determine the sex of a rabbit by looking for the presence of testicles for males and a vulva for females. It is best to have a veterinarian or experienced rabbit breeder help confirm the sex of your rabbit to avoid any mistakes.
You could name the boy rabbit Finn, as it complements the nature theme of Clover while also being a cute and fitting choice for a rabbit. Finn and Clover make a lovely pair of names for your rabbits.
You can tell whether or not your rabbit is a boy/girl by looking under its butt.
girls are usally heavier.
If it uses a penis to pee then it is a boy.
Just look underneath the boy's genital is a "V" shape and the girl's own is kind of a "u" or at times an "o"
no the rabbit's a boy
You can tell whether or not your rabbit is a boy/girl by looking under its butt.
go take them to the vet and take tests on the animal and you will find out
Hi hi i think you may need to take your rabbit to the vet at a certain age and then they will tell you :D - Molly :)
No, a girl rabbit need to have sex with a boy rabbit in order to get pregnant.
how do i tell if my my turtle is a girl or a boy?...
Snowflake or Nibbles! Peter, Pietro, or Pedro if it's a boy rabbit, or Jessica, Jesse, or J.J. if it's a girl rabbit.
Schnuffel is a male rabbit character in the popular animated series "Schnuffel Bunny."