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Q: How do you spell zoologist?
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Related questions

How do you spell zooalogist?

The correct spelling is "zoologist." A zoologist is a scientist who studies animals and their behaviors, habitats, and characteristics.

What are tasks zoologist do?

a zoologist works with animals

What do you call someone who studies Animals?

A person who studies animals is called a zoologist.

What is a chimpanzees job?

They are zoologist. Zoologist are people who work with animals.

What is david suzukis job?

david suzuki is a zoologist (i think thats hoe you spell it), environmentalist, and reporter, for refferences google search david suzuki foundation

Describe how zoologist and how it use or contribute to science?

a zoologist helps the animals

What abilities should a zoologist have?

Zoologist's should have the ability to take care of animals. This is achieved with an education. A zoologist should also have compassion for animals.

Would a zoologist or a midwife earn more?

Zoologist! Midwives are mostly voluteers

What is a benefit of being a zoologist?

a benefit of being a zoologist is having paid vacation

Do you need to graduate school to be a zoologist?

every zoologist has to graduate school first

When was William Patten - zoologist - born?

William Patten - zoologist - was born in 1861.

When was Mark Ridley - zoologist - born?

Mark Ridley - zoologist - was born in 1956.