You spell it c.h.I.k.e.n. C.r.a.y.z.y s.he.p.e.
Chicken fingers and fries in French is spelled "doigts de poulet et frites".
The onomatopoeia for the sound of a chicken is variously rendered in many languages, the most common English variants being "cluck cluck" or "buc buc" (bok bok).
Chicken Wings Chicken Wings Chicken Wings Chicken Wings Chicken Wings And Chicken Wings
The name of a chicken's house is the chicken coop.
chicken patty
You spell it c.h.I.k.e.n. C.r.a.y.z.y s.he.p.e.
"Chicken" in Irish is spelled as "sicΓn."
samurai eat rice, sushi, and other Japanese food such as tariaki chicken and steamed veggies. THEY DO NOT EAT HORSE HIDE JERKY! they drink tea and arrange flowers. also write poetry and burn incense in their helmets.
Is spelled as Chickenpox
Kentucky Fried Chicken
jerk chicken
The word chicken in Spanish is pollo. (poy-oh).POLLO
The word for "chicken" in French is spelled "poulet."
The meaning of chicken i Hindi is कायर.
Pollo frito.