Africa is a huge country with many different languages. There is no particular language called "African". Please ask for your translation in a particular language.
The African elephant has the biggest ears!The type of elephant with the biggest name has the biggest ears, the African elephant (not the Asian elephant). That's how I remember.
There are 3 elephant species in the genus loxodonta(African Elephant): African Elephant, African Bush Elephant, and African Forest ElephantThere is only 1 elephant species in the genus Elephas maximus (Asian Elephant), but it can be divided into 4 sub-species.
The African elephant is larger than the Asian elephant in terms of size and weight. African elephants are the largest land animals on Earth.
The Asian Elephant has the smallest ears, of the current existing species (African Bush Elephant, African Forest Elephant, and Asian Elephant or Indian Elephant). However, when alive, the Mammoths had the smallest ears.
The binomial nomenclature for an elephant is Elephas maximus for the Asian elephant and Loxodonta africana for the African elephant.
The African elephant has the biggest ears!The type of elephant with the biggest name has the biggest ears, the African elephant (not the Asian elephant). That's how I remember.
Another African elephant?
The correct spelling is elephant.One example sentence is "the African bush elephant is the largest land mammal in the world".Another example sentence is "authorities are cracking down on illegal elephant poaching".
The African elephant is the larger of the two species.
there are 3,African elephant, Asian elephant,and African forest.
It always was the African Elephant
the African Elephant lives in Africa south of the Sahara desert.
African elephant .
The subphylum of the african elephant is vertebrata
An African elephant can be from 1ft to19ft.
There are 3 elephant species in the genus loxodonta(African Elephant): African Elephant, African Bush Elephant, and African Forest ElephantThere is only 1 elephant species in the genus Elephas maximus (Asian Elephant), but it can be divided into 4 sub-species.
An African Savannah elephant is one of the two species of African elephant, Latin name Loxodonta africana.