Diffrent youtuber shave different nicknames to him som even call him butt butt
Cats hit people for the same reason that people hit people: they hate and despise you.
It is probably either poop or a tick.
Cats may rub their butt on objects to mark their territory with scent glands located around their anus. This behavior leaves behind their scent, which is a way for them to communicate with other animals in the area.
Cats have whiskers. so you could say "The cat's whisker fell out and a new one grew in."
You take a ravor to it!
shave or wax it ;)
to each their own. there are no rules about what body part you can or can't shave.
Better off waxing it.
Better off waxing it.
Diffrent youtuber shave different nicknames to him som even call him butt butt
Generally, if something has a butt, it is considered to be the rump of it.
Because it will become bristly and itch, a permananent solution is to have electrolysis.
just do it the way you know that's a very wierd question
The long stringy stuff coming from your cats butt is probably worms. To treat this take your cat to the vet.