Making Orbeez grow big is not a complex process, but it does require patience.
First, you will need to buy the Orbeez seeds; these can usually be found in the toy section of any local department store.
Once you have the Orbeez seeds, fill a bowl with lukewarm water and add the seeds. You should let the seeds sit in the water for at least 24 hours.
After 24 hours, you should see that the Orbeez have grown larger and have a jelly-like texture.
Next, you should transfer the Orbeez to a larger container and fill it with water. Make sure the water is lukewarm, as this will help the Orbeez grow bigger.
You should let the Orbeez sit in the container for another 24 hours. At this point, the Orbeez should be significantly larger than when you started.
Finally, you can transfer the Orbeez to a larger container and fill it with slightly warmer water. This will help the Orbeez grow even bigger over the next 24 hours.
The process of making Orbeez grow big may seem time-consuming, but it is actually quite simple. With just a few steps, you can have large Orbeez in just a few days!
yes i think orbeez can kill ur fish because when i got my fish it lived for more than five week and when i cleaned his tank and put him in he was ok later that night i put three orbeez in his tank .the day after the orbeez i see him at the bottom of his tank dead thats why i will never put orbeez in a fish tank ever again R.I.P max
Mesothelae can grow to be as big as a house cat.
Sloths grow up to 5 metres long
it depend upon on ur fish tank if big fish tank it can grow fast !!!!!!!!!!!!
it totally depends on the breed of ferral cat.
it dosent work they are lying
it dosent work they are lying
If you want orbeez to grow fast you will need to put it in hot water.It will not grow fast but it will grow bigger.
Orbeez are designed to expand in water due to their absorbent properties. They are not designed to grow in other substances. Attempting to grow Orbeez in other substances may not yield the desired results and could potentially damage the Orbeez.
I certainly wouldnt spend the money to buy orbeez. You grow them. What do you do after that?
Try it
The purer the water the bigger the Orbeez. If you use distilled water, your Orbeez will grow as large as possible Different person: NOT true! They do NOT grow bigger in distilled water. I tried it. SORRY! Actually very true. If you look at it scientifically distilled water will difuse eaiser through the Orbeez than regular water would. The reason it didn't work for you is that the water and the substance in the Orbeez had reached equilibrium and had no reason to diffuse any longer. Michael: the person who says the orbeez go bigger in distilled water is wrong. Try putting the water in a cup and microwave it for 5 minutes then add the orbeez they will grow faster. Bearpaw6:The first person was right it even says it on there website.DUH!!
No, once you take Orbeez out of water they will not continue to grow. Orbeez are superabsorbent polymer beads that expand when placed in water, but once they are removed from water they will gradually shrink back to their original size.
No, it is not recommended to grow orbeez in soda. Orbeez are usually grown in water, as the beads need to absorb the water to expand. Using soda can potentially damage the orbeez beads and alter their texture.
yes of course
Orbeez typically grow bigger in warm or room temperature water as the warmth helps them absorb water faster. Cold water may slow down the absorption process and make them grow more slowly or not as large.
First, make sure that you have cold water. Then get a water bottle and just put them in the bottle.a make sure you have at least half of the bottle filled with water. Lastly, leave the orbeez in the bottle for 4 hours at least and don't open the cap because that willits growth). Well, i hope your orbeez growp.s. make sure the cap is on very tight!