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nothing take it to the vet AS SOON AS POSSIBLE

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7mo ago

Ensure they have access to fresh water and food, keep them warm and comfortable, and consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment. It's important to address any underlying health issues that may be causing the sickness.

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16y ago

take it to the vet. They are your best bet for diagnosis and medicine. I hope it gets better.

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Q: How do you make a sick quinea pig better?
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Is a girl quinea pig and girl quinea pig better that a boy?

yes girls are better Example : 2 girls they wont fight you know like humans but boys I WANT TO HAVE THIS CAGE FOR MY OWN if something happens like that you well hear that one of them or two will make a teeth noise

Average size of a quinea pig's first litter?

About 2 piglets.

Is DAZAL a name for a girl?

Its more like a name for a quinea pig or something so if i were you...i would bother.

Will powdery mildew make you sick?

Yes it is toxic. It can make you sick. It is so toxic it can kill a baby pig.

What happens if you get detergent on a guinea pig?

i guess it will get sick but it is better to ask a vet expert

Can you feed baby guinea pig cows milk warmed?

I'm pretty sure. I don't see why not. It works better if the guinea pig is sick. I use to have to do that to my guinea pig before it got sick and died.. :( hope this helps. :)

How do you medicate an ill guinea pig?

Make sure their diet is proper and if your guinea pig is sick, take it to a vet.

Sick guinea pig?

if your guinea pig is sick take him/her to the v et.

Will chocolate make a guinea pig sick?

Yes. Don't, under any circumstances, give a guinea pig chocolate.

When do you know a guinea pig is mad or about to bite and do quinea pigs bite when you first meet them?

Guinea pig rarely bites when they are threatened as a part of defense.In most case,they bite accidentally because they consider our fingers as their food.

How do you know if your guinea pig is getting better from being sick?

I Know How Becose My Guinea Pig Is 6 Months So When Your Guinea Pig Is Around 12 Or 13 Months Her/He Are Getting Sick Now How To Cure It Leave It In His Cage For 1/2 Days Over Whith A Blanket In A Dark Place Lots Of Water And Food He/She Will Be Felling Better And You Have To Love Your Guinea Pig.

If one guinea pig is sick in cage are the rest sick?

not necessarily; if you leave one guinea pig in the cage with the sick guinea pig, the guinea pig that is not sick can get sick; you should separate them just to be safe but if the guinea pigs start to get lonely, put them back together