They generally will float in the water in stead of sink and if not in water then they won't move.
Or you can try this:
Poke his eye softly with a stick, finger, or something thin. I tried that with my turtle a few minutes ago because he wasn't moving. When I poked his eye with the tip of a mechanical pencil, he closed his eye and sunk his head further back into his shell.
Blue belly lizards, or western fence lizards, do not carry their eggs internally like mammals do. Instead, female blue belly lizards lay eggs in the soil. So, there wouldn't be any visible signs of pregnancy like in mammals. Instead, you may notice a female lizard digging in the soil to create a nest for her eggs.
The most reliable way to determine the sex of a blue belly lizard is by looking at the underside of the lizard near its hind legs. Males typically have larger femoral pores and larger, more vibrant blue patches on their bellies compared to females. Additionally, males may have larger heads and bodies than females.
If you're asking how can you tell how old your blue belly lizard is, then it's easy you just look at how many spots there are. But if you're asking how old is mine, then the answer would be 6 (:
You can tell if a blue-tongued lizard is pregnant by observing physical signs like a significantly enlarged abdomen, weight gain, and changes in behavior such as increased aggression or defensive behavior. You may also notice the female digging a nest, indicating that she is preparing to lay eggs. Consulting with a reptile veterinarian can also help confirm if the lizard is pregnant through imaging techniques like ultrasound.
There could be several reasons why your blue-bellied lizard isn't moving. It may be feeling stressed or sick, or it could simply be basking and conserving energy. Ensure the lizard's habitat is set up correctly, provide proper temperature and lighting, and monitor its behavior for any signs of illness. If the issue persists, consult a reptile veterinarian for further guidance.
Some signs that a stray cat may be pregnant include enlarged belly, increased appetite, changes in behavior (such as seeking more attention or becoming more affectionate), and nesting behaviors. However, the most accurate way to confirm pregnancy is through a veterinary examination.
if the mom is fat !!!!!!
It's nearly impossible to determine rather the sex of a blue belly lizard is male or female.Sometimes the males belly is a lighter color than the females.
they might get a little bigger and they will start building a nest
by feeling its belly
Ye, he was (a General in the RevolutionaryWar).
she gets a fat belly.
Ultrasound. You can not tell just by looking at your belly.
you can tell a female hamster is pregnant by seeing if the hammy is fat around the belly and put the hammie's belly up to your hammie's tummy is moving.
When it has a big belly. Lol
there belly and pups.
the blue belly male has thebaby'sand it holds it in it ismoth and when the male has the eggs in it is moth every 13secondsit will open it is moth and that is how u can tell
It will start to produce a big belly and it will be white