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Sheer luck. A cow has to be bred to a bull, and then you wait for around 285 days to see if you get a bull or a heifer from her. It's a 50/50 chance that you'll get a bull or heifer.

You can also be sure you're going to get a bull from your cow if you artificially inseminate her with sexed semen. This means that each individual sperm that is given to her has the Y chromosome that will ensure a bull calf is born.

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Q: How do you get a bull from a cow?
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What is a male cow's offspring called?

There is no such thing as a male cow. A cow is a mature female bovine that had had a calf, and a bull is an intact male bovine. So the young offspring of a bull and cow is a calf.

Where do bull animals come from?

Bulls are male cowsWhen a bull and a cow (all cows are female)'mate' if the cow has a 'male' cow its called a 'bull'

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The Feminine or the female species of a bull is a cow.

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A steer or bull cow is a male cow. The female cow is usually called a heifer. A dairy cow is sometimes called a milker.

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The breeding male of a cow is called a bull.

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No. A bull is the male counterpart of a cow, not a "type" of cow. Bulls aren't cows, technically speaking.

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The opposite gender of a cow is a bull. Cow is the female of many species, including elephants, cattle, moose, elk, bison and seals for some examples.

What does a bull mate with to get a cow?

A cow is a mature female bovine that has already had at least two calves. A bull is a male bovine that is used to breed cows. Therefore, a bull mates with a cow to produce a calf that has a 50% chance of growing into a cow or a bull.

What is the opposite word of bull?

Cow. A bull is (usually) a mature male bovine, and a cow is a mature female bovine.

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