The wild can be described in many ways, hear is one of them...
The wild is full of many problems and many answers such as survival, all living things have to adapt to there new enviorment, like us on our first day are school. There are many ways of survival in the wild.
striped, wild, unique
Beautiful, Wild, Majestic, Freedom, Noisy & Amazing
Oh, dude, "wild" is an adjective, not a noun. It's like when you describe your friend's party as wild, you're not saying the party is a wild, you're saying it's crazy or out of control. So, yeah, "wild" is an adjective, not a noun.
No, a hoar is not a kind of animal. "Hoar" is an adjective used to describe something covered in white frost.
Wild animals are non-domesticated animals that live in their natural habitats and are not controlled or bred by humans. They usually exhibit natural behaviors and instincts for survival, such as hunting for food and protecting their territory. Wild animals play a crucial role in ecosystems by helping to maintain balance and biodiversity.
striped, wild, unique
wild, naughty and cute
fun and sweet but with a wild side
jittery, jumpy
loyal , friendly,
Feral means a creature that has become wild, having been tame.
a black, grizzly, brown scary, wild creature
aggressive, short-tempered, wild, raged, aggrivated
Fierce, loyal, and wild.
The chick or poult is tan and spotted and fuzzy.
call them a griswold -dewayne griswold