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firstly you will need to see whether your horse has been de sexed or not (if your horse has been desexed your horse cannot breed)

if your horse isn't desexed you need to wait until your horse goes on heat (mating time) and when the horse does go on heat you need to put it in the same area with a girl/boy (depending on gender) horse that isn't desexed.

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13y ago
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16y ago

Breeding horses is tough. Breeding race horses is ever tougher. Just the understanding of parental bloodlines and the probable factors of producing a quality animal requires a great skill set. Kentucky is the home of some of the most prestigious thoroughbred breeding farms in the world. If you're interested in breeding, let me suggest several websites and people to contact. First, let me recommend the bloodhorse website - an incredible website for both beginners and professional thoroughbred breeders. A great resource and loaded with information. I'm also going to suggest a game site. As stupid as it sounds, sometimes playing in a virtual racing environment can help prepare you for the real world of horse racing. The site, horseracegame, is a phenomenal resource on breeding, training and racing thoroughbreds in a virtual but realistic manner. Entwined with a very engaging and social networking site, all geared toward horse racing both international and domestic. Breed and race horses in this game will actually educate you. Finally, visit some of the spectacular farms in Lexington, KY. Adena Springs will allow you to visit their facility where you can get a first-hand impression of the entire breeding process, from inception to the time your new thoroughbred runs his first race.

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15y ago

You are going to have to 'tease' the mare. If she is aggressive towards the stallion, then it shows she is not ready to breed and can injure herself or the stallion if you try. If she calls back and 'welcomes' the stallion, then she may be ready. Read up on teasing mares, Google it.

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12y ago

First you must check if your female horse (aka your mare) is in heat. Bring a male horse (preferably a stallion over a gelding) to her backside. She will notice him. If she rejects him, she will pin her ears back and kick at him. If she accepts him, she will spread her back legs a bit and lower her backside so the stallion may mount her.

Before the stallion mounts the mare, he is given time to sniff of her (smell her in heat) and let his penis grow to get an erection. By this time the mare will likely have accepted the stallion, and she probably peed, which releases pressure when the stallion is on her. Once the stallion has decided that he is ready, he will get on only his back feet, and doing this will raise his penis higher (about to his belly) so it will go inside the mare, and the rest of his body will end up on top of the mare, resting on her, while he thrusts inside of her. This breeding process lasts around 5 minutes. After he has ejaculated inside the mare, the stallion may rest for a few seconds to a minute, or dismount. Don't force this process.

Have your mare checked by a vet within a few weeks to a month or two to see if she conceived and is pregnant. Good luck for a foal :-)

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14y ago

first you Tye up Ure horse to a post or something like a gate and then you put the male on a lunge lead and then lead him towards the females bottem and then he will pounce on top of the female and if u see white stuff that is a good sign that is how a horse breeds.

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12y ago

The male horse takes his olo and sticks it in the other horses (|)

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9y ago

Usually, if the mare is in standing heat (the stage of estrus where the mare will stand quietly for breeding) she will accept the sexual advances of the stallion.

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