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Reptiles have difficulty controlling/can't control their body temperature since they are cold blooded. This basically means their bodies are the same temperature as their surroundings, so they are found only in warmer climates. Some lizards such as the marine iguana can survive in cold water because they come out to bask and warm up in the sun. That being said, reptiles can't regulate their body temperature like mammals.

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12y ago
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4mo ago

Reptiles can regulate their body temperature by basking in the sun to increase body temperature and seeking shade or water to cool down. Some reptiles are ectothermic, relying on external heat sources, while others can shiver to generate heat internally.

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12y ago

Reptiles are cold blooded, which means they depend on the environment to regulate their body temperature. Reptiles can cool themselves by drinking cool water or staying in the shade. They can heat themselves by staying in the sun, or as scientists call basking or they can heat up by being on top of a hot surface like asphalt, concrete, or even rocks.

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13y ago

their cold blooded so its the same as the environment around them. in order to keep warm, they have to go to warmer areas.

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15y ago

BY basking in the sun or hiding underground

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11y ago

Excreting Wastes, Scales, drinking water, baking in the sun, keeping cool in the shade, sticking their tounge out

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Q: What are two ways that reptiles can regulate their body temperature?
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What other ways does the body self-regulate?

when you feel hot your body sweats to keep cool and regulate your body temperature when your bodies cooled you get goosebumps to regulate your body temperature this are to ways your body regulates

What are 3 ways that water is important to all living things?

Water is essential for cellular processes, as it serves as a solvent for biochemical reactions. It helps regulate body temperature through sweating and respiration. Additionally, water plays a critical role in maintaining the structure and function of cells and tissues in organisms.

What are the two systems that control body functions?

The nervous and endocrine systems act, in two different ways, to regulate activities and functions. The nervous system uses nerve impulses while the endocrine system uses hormones to chemically regulate organ systems.

Radiation from the skin surface and evaporation of sweat are two ways in which the skin helps to get rid of body?

Radiation involves the transfer of heat from the body to the environment, helping to cool down the body temperature. Sweat evaporates from the skin, taking heat away from the body and cooling it. These processes aid in regulating body temperature and maintaining a stable internal environment.

What do you call the process of cooling off or stabilizing body following perspiration?

The process of cooling off or stabilizing the body following perspiration is called thermoregulation. This involves mechanisms that help maintain a constant internal body temperature despite external changes. Sweat evaporation is one of the key ways the body regulates its temperature.

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In what ways does the body self-regulate?

when you feel hot your body sweats to keep cool and regulate your body temperature when your bodies cooled you get goosebumps to regulate your body temperature this are to ways your body regulates

In what other way does the body self-regulate?

when you feel hot your body sweats to keep cool and regulate your body temperature when your bodies cooled you get goosebumps to regulate your body temperature this are to ways your body regulates

What other ways does the body self-regulate?

when you feel hot your body sweats to keep cool and regulate your body temperature when your bodies cooled you get goosebumps to regulate your body temperature this are to ways your body regulates

Is there any living oganisum that does not sweat?

Yes, there are several organisms that do not sweat, including birds, reptiles, amphibians, and most fish. Instead of sweating, these animals have other ways to regulate their body temperature, such as panting, finding shade, or living in water.

How do reptials and mammals regulate their body temperature?

Mammals are warm blooded. This means they raise their body temperatures using the energy they get from food. They cool off in a variety of ways, including sweating, panting, etc. Reptiles, on the other hand, are cold blooded, so they rely on basking in sunlight to warm themselves, and cooling off simply requires finding some shade.

What reptiles are cold blooded?

All reptiles are cold-blooded, which means they rely on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature. This characteristic distinguishes them from warm-blooded animals, such as mammals and birds, which can regulate their body temperature internally.

Explain the various ways in which the skin can serve to regulate an organism's temperature?

The skin helps regulate temperature through processes like sweating, where sweat evaporates to cool the body, and vasoconstriction or vasodilation to retain or release heat respectively. Hair on the skin can also trap heat close to the body or help cool by creating a layer of air for insulation. Additionally, shivering can generate heat in response to cold temperatures.

Are reptiles ectothermic or endtothermic?

Reptiles have only an extremely limited mechanism to control their own body heat. Because of this, their body heat is affected more by the external temperature. Where a mammal has many ways to preserve body heat (raising the hair, constricting blood vessels close to the skin, shivering), a reptile will lose heat to a colder environment. Ectothermic is the name for these organisms, who are also known as being 'cold blooded'.

What are several ways your body helps regulate your body temperature?

by taking a cold shower every morning, after get up from the bed, the blood is going to warm it up the surface of our body and distributes the blood what ever it needed, and not stay in one place, and them you have the same temperature inside and outside of our body, preventing fever etc.

Can a boa constrictor raise its body temperature by producing internal heat?

No, boas are cold blooded; reptiles need to find other ways to raise heat like staying in the sun.

What is the body's regulation of its internal environment?

The body's regulation of its internal environment is called homeostasis. It involves processes that maintain stable conditions such as temperature, pH, and nutrient levels within a narrow range to enable cells and organs to function optimally. Homeostasis is achieved through mechanisms like feedback loops involving hormones and the nervous system.

What are the adaptations for maintaining a constant body temperature?

Animals maintain a constant body temperature through adaptations like insulation (fat layers or feathers), behavioral adaptations (seeking shade or sun), and physiological mechanisms (sweating or shivering). These adaptations help regulate heat production and loss to keep the body temperature stable despite external changes.