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This is a good question and the answer is fairly simple. They do not sweat much, so that is not an issue, as far as the infamous expelling of bodily wastes, as they swim to gather food, that helps clean them.

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Q: How do penguins keep themselvs clean?
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Do penguins smell bad?

No, penguins do not have a strong odor as they have a layer of feathers that help keep them clean and odor-free. Additionally, they are known to preen themselves regularly to maintain their cleanliness.

How do penguins clean them selves?

To the best of my knowledge, penguins bathe in the ocean.

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if u mean "why are rats considered more then mice", they are more intelegent and VERY clean! trust me, i have pet rats and they clean themselvs every 6 or 7 minets.

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penguins keep their eggs on their feet to keep the egg warm.if its not on their feet it might die.

How do penguins clean themselves?

Penguins preen themselves using their beaks to spread oil from a gland near their tail over their feathers, which helps to keep them waterproof. They also use their beaks to remove dirt and parasites from their feathers. Moreover, they may take frequent dips in water to clean themselves.

Do penguins have special fur to keep them warm?

No, penguins do not need to keep warm because they live in a very cold climate.

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Penguins have a layer of fat to keep themselves warm

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To keep predators away

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What would happen if penguins could fly?

If penguins could fly then they could get away from predators faster but then there would be an over population of penguins and at the zoo you would have to keep them in a cage and clean it. Also if penguins could fly the world could get over taken by penguins and we wouldn't be able to drive without seeing a sign that says: "beware of the penguins!" how would you feel if you saw that sign? I know that I would be terrified.

How do emperor penguins adapt to the cold?

They Have Thick Fur Which Keep ALL Penguins No Matter What Kind Or Age