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They hatch eggs

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2mo ago

Penguins reproduce by laying eggs. The female penguin lays one or two eggs, which she and her male partner take turns incubating. Once the eggs hatch, the parents take care of the chicks until they are ready to fend for themselves.

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What do old penguins do?

Young Penguins - given half a chance.

Do penguins give birth to live young?

No, penguins do not give birth to live young. They give birth to eggs.

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hey guys i have no idea about penguins :)

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No, emperor penguins do not have a pouch. Pouches are a feature found in marsupials, where they carry their young. Emperor penguins do not have this adaptation.

Do penguins feed their young milk?

No, they are birds.

Who takes care of the penguins young?

The father.

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with the fathers

Are all penguins mammals?

Penguins are not mammals. They do not have fur, nor do they suckle their young - nurse their babies with milk. Penguins are flightless birds. They have feathers.

Are penquins mammals?

Penguins are not mammals, but they are birds. Penguins lay eggs, they do not have fur and they do not nurse their young as mammals do.

Do penguins eat other types of penguins eggs or their young?

No. Watch the March Of The Penguins for more info.Penguins are very caring, as