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It's not groups that are the key bit of evidence for common descent, but nested hierarchies.

In all lifeforms known to humankind, be it extant or extinct, the totality of similarities and differences forms a pattern of nested hierarchies - sets within sets within sets, each set having all the defining characteristics of the superset in addition to unique defining characteristics for itself and its subsets.

There is only one testable explanation for such a pattern: common descent.

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Q: How do groups support the theory of evolution?
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What theory does the fossil record support?

It is generally thought to support the Theory of Evolution.

Did people accept Charles Darwin theory?

Initially, Darwin's theory of evolution faced resistance and skepticism from some quarters, particularly from religious groups and scientists who supported creationism. However, over time, as more evidence accumulated in support of evolution through natural selection, the scientific community largely accepted Darwin's theory as the foundation of modern biology. Today, the theory of evolution is widely accepted among scientists and the majority of the general public.

Why is Darwin's theory of evolution better than Lamrack's?

Darwin's explanation for the fact of evolution was better than Lamarck's explanation and fit the fact of evolution. Natural selection solved much of the species problem, but acquired characteristics did not have the empirical support and explained nothing in the end.

Why were the Galapagos islands so important to Darwin's theory?

It was where he developed his theory. The Galapagos are considered the "Laboratory of Evolution." Evolution is easily observable here.

How did Lamarck's theory of evolution vary from Darwin's?

Lamarck proposed that acquired traits could be inherited, while Darwin emphasized natural selection as the mechanism for evolutionary change. Lamarck's theory focused on an organism's individual efforts to adapt, whereas Darwin's theory highlighted the role of competition and environmental factors in shaping evolution. Despite both theories contributing to our understanding of evolution, Darwin's theory has gained more support due to its emphasis on genetic variation and natural selection.

Related questions

What theory does the fossil record support?

It is generally thought to support the Theory of Evolution.

How does observed evolutionary change support the scientific theory of evolution?

The theory predicts that evolution will happen and in certain ways. The observed evolution makes this prediction correct. It also defines evolution as happening, and as such is perfect evidence in support of it.

Do you believe that this evidence gives support to the theory of evolution?

I do not so much " believe it " as I an convinced by the myriad lines of converging evidences that support the theory of evolution by natural selection.

How does modern biology support the theory of evolution?

In every way.

How does Josiah Strong show that he supports the theory of evolution?

There is strong support for the theory of evolution due to fossils that have been found by archeologists. The fossil records show evidence of evolution over billions of years.

Darwins theory of evolution views at the time of his work and social forces that led to support for the theory?

There is no proven theory of evolution only the physical evidence of what Chuck Norris has allowed to live.

Most original Native American governments lend support to the?

evolution theory

Did people accept Charles Darwin theory?

Initially, Darwin's theory of evolution faced resistance and skepticism from some quarters, particularly from religious groups and scientists who supported creationism. However, over time, as more evidence accumulated in support of evolution through natural selection, the scientific community largely accepted Darwin's theory as the foundation of modern biology. Today, the theory of evolution is widely accepted among scientists and the majority of the general public.

Does comparative religions support the the theory of evolution?

'Comparative religion' is merely the comparison of differences and similarities between two or more religions or sects. It has nothing to do with evolution (a scientific principle) and support from religions is irrelevant to science. Most religious groups recognise that the scientific community has validated evolution, and accept these findings as correct, while some do not. Recognition of evlution's validation is one criteria to compare religions with.

How are fossils used to oppose the theory of evolution?

Fossils are not typically used to oppose the theory of evolution. Instead, they provide evidence that supports the theory by showing the gradual change in species over time. Fossil records demonstrate a progression of life forms that align with the predictions of evolutionary theory.

Who were the first Filipino's?

There are two theories on the first inhabitants of the Philippines. One is the theory of evolution and another, the theory of migration. In the theory of migration, it is believed that Filipinos came from migrating groups of people from other Asian tribes that came to the islands via land bridges. In the theory of evolution, it is believed that Filipinos today underwent a long process of evolution from Negritos and Malays.

How does radioactive dating provide support for the biological theory evolution?

It shows when the animal that made a fossil was alive.