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it hurts just like a human. if necessary they should be carefully cut.

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2mo ago

Groomers should pluck hair from a dog's ears carefully and gently to minimize any discomfort for the dog. If done incorrectly or too forcefully, it can be painful for the dog. It's important for groomers to have proper training to ensure the process is carried out safely and with the dog's well-being in mind.

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16y ago

with tweezers

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Q: How do groomers pull the hair out of a dog's ears without hurting them or does it hurt?
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Are pig ears harmful to dogs?

Pig ears can be harmful to dogs if not properly sourced and prepared. They can be high in fat and calories, leading to digestive issues and obesity. Additionally, pig ears can pose a choking hazard or risk of contamination from bacteria if not properly cooked.

How can a dog shake a toy so violently and not hurt his head or feel dizzy like a human would if they did the same thing?

Dogs have a unique anatomy that allows them to shake their heads vigorously without getting dizzy or hurting themselves. Their inner ears are designed to maintain balance during quick movements, and they have flexible neck muscles that absorb the impact of the shaking. Additionally, dogs have a keen sense of orientation that helps them stay grounded while shaking toys.

Why do dogs howl when they hear a harmonica playing?

Some dogs will howl at any high pitched frequency because their ears are far more sensitive than human ears.

Should dogs pull on other dogs ears?

No, dogs should not pull on other dogs' ears. This behavior can be seen as aggressive or confrontational, and it can lead to injury or a fight between the dogs. It's important to monitor dogs' interactions and intervene if necessary to prevent ear pulling.

Why do African wild dogs have big ears?

African wild dogs have big ears to help regulate their body temperature. The large surface area of their ears helps dissipate heat in hot environments, and the blood vessels close to the skin allow for efficient cooling. Additionally, their big ears help them communicate with other pack members through a variety of vocalizations.

Related questions

Why did the cornstalk go to the doctor?

his "ears" were hurting

Is it OK to get water in a dogs ears?

Getting water into a dogs ears is the same as getting water into your ears, the dog should be able to get it out by shaking its head, but if there is some damage in the ear and the water is dirty, the ear could become infected. Never deliberately pour water into a dog's ears, if you have to clean them do this with a damp cloth. If there is a problem with you dogs ears take to to see a Vet.

Who has better ears dogs or cats?


Why do dogs and cats move their ears. How does the shape of their ear help them to hear sounds?

dogs and cats move their ears to hear from where the sound id comming.the ears of cats and dogs are out so when the sound waves hit the outside of the ears it rebounds back into the ears.

Do dogs have long or short ears?

It depends on what dog you are talking about. There are dogs with short ears but most have ears bigger than those of humans.

Is it good to blow dry a dog?

It doesn't effect them. Just don't go into their ears or their nose. Other than that you are fine. As seen at pet groomers.

Is it ok to pull rabbits ears?

No, never, ever, ever!!!!!! Besides hurting them and making them scared of you you could break the cartilage in their ears.

Can dogs get an inner ear infection?

Dogs ears are pretty close to human ears. So the answer to your question is yes they can.

How many dogs have 44 ears?

None no dog has 44 ears.

What are dogs ears used for?

For hearing, just like we use our ears.

Is it bad to dock boxers ears?

of course! it's terrible! why would you cut an animal's ears off?!? It is a very painful process, and must be done when a dog is young. It used to be done for hunting dogs, or dogs that would be in combat, so that they would not get their ears ripped, or caught on anything, or latched onto by other animals. Now it is only done for breed standards, and serves no purpouse other then cosmetic. Alot of vets will no longer do this, anyhow. My opinion, but let your pup keep it's floppy ears, what are they hurting?

You went scuba diving and your ears have been hurting for 2 weeks what can you do?

Consult a doctor