Fish breathe underwater by extracting oxygen from the water through their gills. As water passes over the gills, oxygen is absorbed into the fish's bloodstream, while carbon dioxide is released back into the water. This process allows fish to extract the oxygen they need to survive in their aquatic environment.
Fishes are cold-blooded vertebrates that live in water and have scales covering their bodies. They use gills to breathe and fins for swimming. Most fishes reproduce by laying eggs, although some give birth to live young.
Mainly fishes are living in water and they are not having the proper fertilization system in side its structure, so they prefer external fertilization process.
Fishes swim by moving their tail from side to side, creating a propulsion force that propels them forward through the water. They also control their buoyancy with the help of their swim bladder, adjusting their depth in the water. Their streamlined body shape reduces water resistance, allowing them to move efficiently.
Fishes have no eyelids as the water in which they live bathes them.insects
jeol fishes are fishes who have dual respiratory organs. rakesh
so they can brethe and they were meant to be under water animals
they dont breathe they go to an under water base were there have oxygen tanks
Get some oxygen pumping in to you tank, they trying to brethe atmospheric air. It will kill them.
12 percent
fishes. All fishes breath in the water. They cannot survive outside of water except for few fishes which have adapted to breath air like the mud skipper fish. The only reason fishes are able to breath under water is because of their gills
They extract oxigen (O) out of water (H2O) when in water or simlpy out of the air when in open air.
Yes, Fish can breathe under unlike us they have gills instead of lungs.
the great barrier reef is for the fishes and deadly under water preaditors
All fish have gills needed to survive under water
because they have an instinct to tell them go under the sand or what ever is on the bottom .or to just go deeper under water.
They live in salt water (the sea) Because no starfish can live in freshwater