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By hiding in the bush and keeping very still. Seriously, it really depends on the "smarts" of said cow and the colour of her coat. Some cattle are worse at camouflaging themselves than others, either by choice or none at all.

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Q: How do cows camouflage?
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What kind of camouflage does a cow use to protected itself?

Cows don't need camouflage. The barn doesn't have any predators for a cow to hide from.

Does the ascaris need camouflage?

No they do not. They inhabit the intestines of other creatures, and their eggs are consumed and passed into another creature through eating. As they live their lives in the insides of organisms, mainly cows and humans, they do not need camouflage as they will not ever be seen.

What is the camouflage of a dairy cow?

Dairy cows are not built or made to be camouflaged. They are a product of intensive artificial selection for the purpose of being used by humans, not to survive in the wild.

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Camouflage originates from French.

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