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they go off hunting catch some worms and eat them then fly back and regurgitate (throw up) the worms into the chicks mouths (gross I know)

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8mo ago

Birds typically feed their young by regurgitating food into their mouths. This process helps provide nutrition and sustenance to the chicks before they are able to feed themselves. The parent birds will continue to feed their young until they are old enough to forage and feed on their own.

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Q: How do birds feed their young?
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Do bird feed their young milk?

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Hawks feed their young in the same way that other birds feed their young. They digest the food and spit it into their young's mouth.

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No, they are birds.

Which animals feed their young?

The mammals and the birds

Do back birds feed there Young's milk?

no they don't they feed them worms.

How are birds born and fed?

All birds are hatched from eggs. Birds of prey rip up pieces of meat and feed it to their young where other birds create milk in their crops (a pouch just above their beaks) and feed the milk to their young

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nope only mammals and birds do.

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Meat. They tear prey apart and feed it to the young birds.

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well young birds get fed whatever there parents are eating because they feed them so you dont have to worry about feeding them

Different characteristics between reptil and birds?

For starters- birds are warm-blooded, have 2 legs, feathers, feed their young. Reptiles are cold-blooded, no legs, don't feed young, and some babies are born alive, not hatched.

Is a turkey a mammal?

No. It is a bird. Birds differ from mammals in several ways, most notably that they do not nurse their young. Birds feed their young with the same food they eat.