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The aquatic animals reproduce by releasing sperm into into the moist female reproductive area. The female may moan depending on how good the male is. The more the female moans (orgasms in technical terms) the more offsprings are produced. However if the female begind to spew the whole process needs to be repeated as the sperm has left her mosit area. if this process does not work the male is most likely shooting blanks. this could be a devistating occurance that could completely alter the ecosystem of today. if none of theese scientifficly prover methords work, try playing romantic music such as "Marvin Gaye - sexual healing", once the song takes effect both male and female should feel aroused. this is when the action begins to occur.

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15y ago
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8mo ago

Aquatic animals reproduce through a variety of methods such as external fertilization where eggs and sperm are released into the water at the same time, internal fertilization where sperm is deposited directly into the female's body, or asexual reproduction through methods like budding or fragmentation. The specifics vary among different species depending on their adaptations to their aquatic environment.

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15y ago

it depends on what animal there are thousands of species of aquatic animals and they all reproduce in different ways. you need to expand your question

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