Rocks,Stick,Tree stump,Weapons
Plants weather rocks through root growth, where roots penetrate cracks in the rock causing physical weathering. Animals can weather rocks through activities like burrowing and digging, which can break apart rocks over time through mechanical weathering. Additionally, animal waste can contribute to chemical weathering by altering the composition of the rock.
Gorillas are not inherently lazy animals. They are known to conserve energy by taking frequent breaks and moving slowly, which can sometimes give the appearance of laziness. However, they are highly intelligent and use their energy strategically for activities like foraging, socializing, and caring for their young.
Plants,animals,and rocks
Scientist like to group objects to gather (rocks, animals, ect.ect.)
Abrasion, when people and animals walk on them. Or when animals dig in them for homes.
inuit make their tools with rocks and animals skin
Animals use rocks for building nests, sharpening claws or beaks, and as tools for cracking nuts. Plants use rocks to anchor themselves in the soil, regulate soil temperature and moisture levels, and provide minerals for growth.
They used tools such as; Twigs, Rocks, and Grass
stones rocks arrows
they use rocks and sticks for hammers
yes they do
They used sticks and rocks to make useful tools.
Some birds use sticks for getting food out of logs but i think the difference is humans are more sophisticated in the use of tools.
they use rocks and sticks for hammers