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Q: How did the new sofa become so well suited to the breedloves house?
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When was 'a sheep is asleep on my sofa written?

1978 BC

How do you clean dog poop of a fabric sofa?

Resolve. cleans. EVERYTHING. (and anything). i would get resolve pet stain, that works the best. when my dog was a puppy, he had accidents ALL the time. there is barely a stain left anywhere because i always kept resolve pet stain in my house ;)

Is it best to have a fabric or leather sofa when you have a dog?

I have an 8 month old puppy and when i first got him I had a leather sofa, I found that he scratched it a lot but I really wanted a fabric sofa, the only thing stopping me from going out and buying one was the fact that my puppy scratched the one we already had. Because I'd had the leather sofa for a long time I was not that bothered about it getting scratched but I thought to myself 'I am more likely to stop my dog from scratching my sofa if it was a new, fabric one that I actually like' so I bought one and I was right, I stopped my dog from scratching my sofa and after a week he did not do it anymore. I also felt guilty as animals are killed to make leather sofas, and that is one of the reasons that I decided that I did not like my leather sofa and that I wanted a fabric sofa. GOOD THINGS ABOUT LEATHER SOFAS -they take longer for pets to tear them -they are easy to clean BAD THINGS ABOUT LEATHER SOFAS -animals are killed to make them -pets are more inclined to scratch them as they are attracted to the smell -they are cold(especially on a morning) and take a long time to warm up -they are not as comfy as fabric sofas GOOD THINGS ABOUT FABRIC SOFAS -they are easier to train them not to scratch things -they are much warmer than leather sofas -they are comfier and easier to relax on -nothing is killed to make them BAD THINGS ABOUT FABRIC SOFAS -people think that they are easier to scratch

What does the saying put 2 and 2 together mean?

It means putting together logic. For example, if you see cookie crumbs on the floor and the sofa and chocolate on the little kid's face, you put two and two together and find out that the little kid ate a cookie walking to the sofa.

How many cows does it take to make a sofa?

It takes about 3-6 cows to make a standard-sized leather sofa, as their hides are used to produce the leather upholstery. The exact number can vary depending on the size and design of the sofa.

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Where is the sofa in twilight princess?

If your talking about the sofa where your supposed to get the sword you go to the house where you see two "lights" one of the people will try to kill you and they wont let you in there is a hole on the side on the house use "dig" to get in the hole wich leads you inside the house and there is a sofa with a sword on it.

In legend of Zelda twilight princess when your with midna where do you find the sword on the sofa?

To find "the sword on the sofa," you go to Rusl's house and over to the right (left on Gamecube), there's some dark dirt. You dig into the house, and the precious sofa sword will be in there.

When did sofa become invented?

Sofa history can be traced back to ancient Egypt of around 2000 BC, but the true sofa was invented in the end of the 16th to the early 17th century.

What colour is the sofa in Horrid Henry's tree house?

what is a comouter

How big sofa do you want for your living room?

The size of a sofa is based on the space available in your living room, whether the sofa can actually get through the house doors, and the price you are willing to spend? Also, what size sofa, two or three seater, etc?

Where should you look for loose change in your house?

Down the back of the sofa and chairs.

Why is a sofa called a sofa?

because its a sofa is stuffed with sofa

In what stores would one be able to buy a bean bag sofa?

One way to create a friendly atmosphere around the house is add a bean bag sofa to the room. They are available in a couple of places such as Amazon and at Bean Bag Chair Sofa.

Where do hermit crabs like to hide in the house?

Probably in dark places like under a sofa or something.

What is sofa in Spanish?

"Sofa" in Spanish is "sofá."

Where would one be able to purchase sofa bed furniture?

Sofa beds can be purchased from several stores in the UK. Argos and Tesco Direct offer basic models at low prices, Ikea stores sell sofa beds in the mid-range whilst more expensive and better quality sofa beds are available from Debenhams, John Lewis and House of Fraser.

What is the plural possessive of sofa?

Possessive for sofa is sofa's. Plural for sofa is sofas. Plural possessive is sofas'.