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Very closely in natural selection, but in some drivers of evolution, such as sexual selection, Wallace and Darwin disagreed on the fine points. Wallace could not accept female choice in sexual selection when Darwin posited this concept. Lively exchanges in letters were held over this disagreement.

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Q: How did the ideas of Alfred Russell Wallace cpare to Darwin's ideas about natural selection and evolu tion?
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What did Alfred Russell Wallace do as a scientist?

He proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection, independently of Darwin.

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How does Alfred Russell Wallace's theory compare to Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection?

Alfred Russell Wallace and Charles Darwin both independently developed the theory of evolution by natural selection. They both proposed that species evolve over time through the process of natural selection, where individuals with traits better suited to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce. However, Darwin's work is more widely known and recognized, as he published his theory first.

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Alfred Russel Wallace independently developed the theory of evolution by natural selection, which was very similar to Charles Darwin's ideas. Wallace and Darwin jointly published a scientific paper on the subject in 1858.

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The weak died and the strong survives?

Also known as Darwins theory of Natural Selection, as in survival of the fittest.

Alfred Russell Wallace proposed the same major theory as what scientist?

Charles Darwin. Wallace independently developed the theory of natural selection, which he presented jointly with Darwin in 1858.

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In Darwin's time, it would be classified as "natural" selection.